MemberNova Website Designer

Easy to design and update

Drag and drop your way to a responsive website using our native website designer. Save your branded designs as templates to launch new pages even faster.

Landing pages that convert

Build beautiful landing pages to capture contact requests, membership applications, sponsorship inquiries, and more. Built into the AMS and automation engine, easily trigger an action sequence to engage and convert. .

Embed database-driven content

Easily drop in self-updating content such as upcoming events, board members, sponsors, and blog articles to free yourself from repetitive updates.

Ready-to-go themes and templates

Get up and running with modern, SEO-optimized and professionally designed page templates and themes to make you stand out.

Mobile-optimized from the ground up

We've built our CMS using responsive design on the world's leading framework. So everything you publish will adjust automatically to your visitor's device, be it desktop, tablet or mobile.

Integrated blog

Publish relevant and engaging content with tools that speed up creation, keep formatting consistent, and make it easy to optimize for search. 

Ready-to-use themes

Digital asset management

Host documents, files and media online for members or the public. Image libraries make it easier to share your brand collateral with other editors.

Showcase your photos

Spin up photo albums within minutes to show off event photos, member spotlights and more. Drop in sliding carousels on your pages within seconds.

Custom Website

Analyze website performance

Gain insight into your website traffic and visitor flow using our Google Analytics integration.

Reliable and lightning fast

Rest assured that your content is backed by Microsoft's cloud architecture for reliable uptime and performance.


Ready-to-use themes
Mobile First
Responsive and optimized for mobile devices, our websites scale beautifully on all screen sizes.
Modern Themes
There's no need to start from scratch. Choose one of our professionally designed themes to kick start your web presence.
Pre-designed Templates
Get up and running quicker with authored content. From event invitations to contact us pages, we've got you covered.
Live Website Designer
See your webpage come to life as you edit it. Drag and drop images, pre-designed content and data plugins.
Content Libraries
Create your own curated content libraries to make it easy for others to maintain your brand messaging.
Integrated Blog
Post articles in minutes, share with members, and engage with comments and likes.

Get Started

Contact us to try a demo and learn how we can take your membership management strategies to the next level.